Life BS with Grace

Life BS with Grace

Hey, how are you going?
Hey, hello! I am surprisingly ok considering the current lockdown situation in Melbourne. Taking each day as it comes and trying to keep busy but at an incredibly slow pace which is nice. 
Who lives at your home with you? (Lol this sounds like a census)
I live in Northcote with my husband John and our sassy (but super cute) cat Kiki :)
What’s your current favourite place to chill in your home?
Bathtub for sure. I used to hate baths, I guess it was something about switching off and being forced to do nothing...I'm usually trying to do a million things at once. I also think I might have just had them way too hot so felt super anxious in there. But these days with on and off again lockdowns, I've really enjoyed pouring a glass of wine and putting on a trashy sitcom and soaking away with a ridiculous amount of bubble bath. 
How has the past year of BS affected your creativity or you?
It's been a real challenge to stay motivated and at times it's been a real juggling act to pay the bills, particularly when I'm supporting myself through my art. I've found the biggest challenge is getting any sort of momentum. When I'm in my studio, the best work I produce is when I have a solid amount of time to work on a project or new design. For the last year, it's been difficult to get a solid stretch of time turning ideas into physical forms.
Have you had any positives come out of the recent challenges?
The biggest positive is having the space and time to develop new ideas and really focus on putting some systems in place that make my creativity and business flow smoothly. Often the day-to-day admin of running a business is ignored by physically creating work. It's WAY more fun to focus on the making than all the other stuff that makes a business run. I'd say I'm a great creative but a not-so-great businesswoman! But I've really tried to work on this over each lockdown and try and get more in control of my business and the direction of my creativity. 
What’s been your best coping mechanism or strategy in recent times?
Sounds super cliched but I'm trying to exercise and keep active alongside doing things that nurture my body and mind rather than using vices as a coping mechanism (definitely no saint though! This is the goal, but I slip allllll the time!). I've also started seeing a psych after a long absence from talking therapy. It's been super helpful and I think talking to someone about challenges you might be facing is a really powerful tool to help you grow and be a better person. Also, how rad is talking about yourself for an hour. Honestly, love it. 
Best spot for time out part 1: That light is amazing!
Best spot to time out and chill part 2:
 Grace's partner John. This is the most colourful and questionable wall in their home 
Most colourful part of your home? This also doubles as Grace's least favourite part of her home (love/hate moment)
Grace's junk draw. (This is wayyyyy neater than mine)
Your junk draw? (this is very neat compared to mine)
Best Shadows?
Favourite Object? Mini Vase by Tantri Mustika and jasmine from round the corner.
Furry Friend? Kiki the sassy cat
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